Horse Sense Cadet Badge

The Cadets will complete seven activities, two Skill Builder, one Technology, one 
Service Projects, and two Career Exploration. With the instructor help the girls will get 
to choose what activities that would like to do. The girls will be grooming, saddling, 
leading, and riding for half an hour. They will learn riding skills in a group, such as 
mounting, walking, stopping, backing, turning, jogging and arena safety.

Horse Sense I (Course #EL4401)

• Students will learn how to groom, lead, tie, saddle and mount a horse.

• Learn the different types of tack, how to care for tack, and how to recognize tack that 
has become unsafe.

• Girls will take an in-depth look at breeds of horses, general history of the horse, and 
its use in early times.

Horse Sense II (Course # EL4402)

• Students will explore the financial aspects of owning a horse and how to select a 
horse for themselves.

• Girls will also learn about a regular yearly health regimen, and explore careers in the 
horse industry.

• Pre-requisite is Course #EL4401. Completion of Horse Sense 1, Horse Sense 2 and a 
service project will fulfill the requirement for the Horse Sense Badge.